Quick Captures

It is a User-friendly tool for external participants to log bug discoveries. I designed and made a prototype during the discovery phase.

Iteration X
Use Case
Project Single Image

What we are trying to solve

Organizations and teams can have difficulty spotting every bugs in various stages of a product’s lifecycle. During the quality assurance phase and beyond, there are always small to big issues to be ironed out. But people outside product teams find it hard to report issues do to a lack of technical knowledge, inadequate reporting tools, communication barriers, lack of context and feedback loop issues.

  • Fumble when describing steps to reproduce the bug
  • Fail to pinpoint the exact problem
  • Confuse non-technical individuals with unfriendly bug reporting interfaces
  • Struggle to access developers directly
  • Consume significant time and effort providing system information when reporting bugs properly
  • Neglect to update users on the bug's status
  • Miss insights into technical limitations as non-team members
No items found.
Discovery phase

Identify the problem and the issues at stake

Throughout my discovery phase doing user research clients, with product managers, engineers and technical support managers, I reached a clear understanding of the pain points implied by issues that slipped the quality assurance phase.

The research also validated the vision that Iteration X is trying to solve:

Making sure every employee can share their opinion on their product’s development and collaborate seamlessly without being limited by technical constraints.

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Rethinking the Bug capture Experience for external users

Design & Strategy

Iteration X primary goal is too enhance collaboration between every employee of a company to make better decisions about the product roadmap.

Having already developed a solution to help internal product teams capture & organise issues (see use case here), I wanted to leverage those resources to address how we can create a user-friendly tool for external participants to log bug discoveries.

Ideation, user journeys, and user journey maps have helped me uncover creative ways to effectively address user problems. This process enhanced the user experience while maintaining alignment between Iteration X's business goals and user requirements.

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A web-based system for efficient and unstructured bug capture

Developing a web page "bin" that allows users to quickly document and store multiple bug reports without the immediate need for categorization, assignment, or prioritization paired with a shared feature to send everything instantaneously.


Making black and white Figma prototypes allowed me to:

  • Create high fidelity micro-interactions
  • Use a component library
  • Emphasizes on information hierarchy
  • Highlights usability issues
  • Clients are more likely to focus on content, functionality, and overall user experience rather than getting distracted by color choices.

Reporter’s prototype

The reporter interactions with the page they spot issues on. Knowing that our users are not tech savy, we have to rely on a simple design with micro-interactions that guide the user through the various steps. Whether it's accessing the Chrome extension, or giving hints on what to do to make one or more captures and send them to the right channel.

Press on the image to access to the Figma prototype